Saturday, June 13, 2009

Recital rehersal videos

It is one of my favorite dancing days! The rehersal where I can take video and pics! Of course I had to share them with all of my family, friends, and the cyber world. 2009 is sure to be a year to remember with Lillian's first recital ever and Madeline's debut into the world of ballet. (She loves ballet.) I hope that you all enjoy these as much as I did. I cannot wait until the recital tomorrow. Lilly has already told us that she expects flowers afterwards, we can't disappoint her.

Lillian's debut in the dancing world.

Madeline's debut as a ballerina. I am so proudof her I think she did a amazing job.

Madeline's jazz number.

Madeline's tap number. Please excuse the technical diffculity at the end of the song.

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