Thursday, June 19, 2008

The other two numbers!

Mickey Mouse March">

I need to grab a tissue for this one. It is the father daughter dance done once every 5 years at the studio my daughter attends.

It means a lot more to me than to me than the other numbers she was in. Most of you know by now that last year my husband was diagnosed with diffused large B cell lymphoma, a form of Non-Hodgkins cancer. We got the notice of this number when he was going through chemo and he wanted to dance with Madeline. He took out her old costume from her routine last year and hung it on the back of our closet door as a daily motivation to be there, to dance with her on stage.

My Little Girl

What the heck...
Beauty and the Beast

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

okay. now that i have gathered myself and stopped the tears... at least for now...

that was just BEAUTIFUL!! :) amazing and beautiful. no other words to describe it.

reading your post before hand also helped to get the tears rolling.

i'm so glad that things are going much better for your husband and that he was able to dance with his beautiful little girl. :)

thanks for sharing such a magical moment in your lives with all of us.

xoxoxo hugs!! i have to go get a klenex now. :)