Saturday, May 10, 2008

Costume day!

Oh joy of joys, this morning when we entered dance class there was a note on the board telling the parents to stay for costume instructions. I did a little happy dance upon seeing that. This is one of my favorite days of the year. Since there are only four girls in this class they all got to try on the costumes then and there. OMG they looked so cute! I took some pics of Madeline in it when we got home, (see below). Granted her hair isn't done and make up is not done, I am not too sure on the placement of the hair bow either but it gives you the general idea. Also she won't be in black tights with the daddy daughter dance those are just the ones she wore to class today. The Belle dress will also have some alterations done to it, the bottom will be gathered a bit. I so cannot wait until recital. She will be dancing to the Mickey Mouse march and a dance version of Beauty and The Beast, as well as Tim McGraw's My Little Girl for the father and daughter dance.

Doesn't she look adorable.

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