Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Easy money

WOW today was by far the easiest $40 I ever made. $40 for a ten minute job. Not to shabby eh? I'm part of a mom's panel for Fisher Price. I get called in ask asked my opinions on their products, new designs, packaging etc... each time I go in I get $40 cash for anywhere between and hour to two hours, an hour and a half has been the norm. Today was 1-2-3 all they wanted was our thoughts on new packaging. Ten minutes later we were thanked, handed our money wished a Happy Thanksgiving and left.

Of course I went to the Fisher Price Store right afterwards and spent it on Christmas gifts But every penny in that department helps out.


Strizz said...

sweet, where do I sign up?

Neen said...

You have to live in the Western NY area. You have to call Fisher Price up and ask to be put on the mom's panel. My girls have also been toy testers. In most cases you get to keep the item tested. And they have been photographed and have appeared on several FP products and print ads.

John Calnan said...

Congrats, Mom.
Tag, you're it. meme. yuck. sorry.