Wednesday, November 21, 2007

rain rain go away

Really go away it has been raining non stop all day today. With the temperature dropping like it is you all know what that means. Sleet then snow ick ick ick! My least favorite weather. I just am happy that I don't have to cook for tomorrow. Going to the in laws for dinner. Woo hoo. I don't have to cook, I don't have to cook. If you could see me now you'd see me doing a happy dance.

I also got my DGE gift bought, wrapped, packed, just need to go to the post office and ship it. So buddy if you are reading this by some chance I really hope that you like it. But I am not going to spill the beans as to what it is here.

1 comment:

Momisodes said...

Aww..that's so sweet :)

It's been raining all day here too. I hope it will be nice for Thanksgiving! The rain just seems to make the cold so much for dreary.

Hope you have a lovely gobble gobble day!